Dixon’s Online Auctions specializes in efficient Estate cleanouts, hoarder homes, rental properties, and run-down properties. We can also sell your property at 0% commission! AS-IS, NO WARRANTY, NO REPAIRS, PAINTING ETC.
Sold! $ 566,500
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Delivery & shipping is available, please text us at 804-336-3685 for more information.
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Also which auction and lot number(s) & item(s) you are interested in having delivered or shipped.
Donna Blake Bolton
MPAA, Expert Witness, CAI,CES
Fair Market for:
- Estates
- Divorce
- Liquidations
- Death
(Probate) (Trust) in compliance with all courts for tax purposes and is useful for distribution
Our vision at Dixon’s Online Auction is to solidify our position as Virginia's foremost online auction company, leaving a lasting impression on the global stage within the industry. Grounded in principles of honesty, integrity, and personalized service, we aspire to set a new standard for excellence in our business.
At Dixon’s Online Auction, we are committed to bridging the gap between buyers and sellers, ensuring a seamless and rewarding experience for all involved. By upholding the pinnacle of auctioneering standards and harmonizing cutting-edge technology with time-tested practices, we strive to deliver unparalleled success in every transaction.
Thinking about bidding on some of our Real Estate? Do you need a mortgage, but do not know who to call?
Get pre-approved.. By getting pre-approved as a buyer, you can put yourself in a better position to make a serious offer when you do decide to bid on a house. Unlike pre-qualification, which is based on a cursory review of your finances, pre-approval from a lender is based on your actual income, debt and credit history. By doing a thorough analysis of your actual spending power, you’ll be able to put yourself in the drivers seat! and be able to bid with confidence. We work with excellent lenders who can help guide you in this process and make sure you have access to all of the local mortgage incentives that some internet lenders may not have.
We work with some of the best mortgage lenders in Richmond. If you need help getting your mortage, contact one of the gentlemen below, so you can obtain the home of your dreams!
Phil Johnson
Residential Mortgages
Loan Officer - Southern Trust Mortgage
Office: 804-739-1639
Click Here To Send Phil An Email
8730 Stony Point Parkway,Suite 260
Richmond,VA 23235
Phillip Coon
VP/ Branch Manager, NMLS# 311078
Office: 804-858-8328
Cell: 804-514-3662
eFax: 804-419-8441
Click Here To Send Phillip Coon An Email
1400 Alverser Drive
Midlothian, VA 23113
For many years Dixon's Real Estate division has worked in partnership with thousands of real estate brokers and sales people. Every year we gladly pay hundreds of thousands of dollars to Realtors who refer pre-registered eventual buyers.
We pay the standard 3% commission to any Realtor who pre-registers and represents their client as the successful buyer. There are strict rules and guidelines that must be followed, so please read the Broker Participation Form carefully before you fill it out.
If you are an agent and have a buyer have your client fill out the Opening Bid Agreement form and make sure they list you as their broker.
When I sell my house at auction, may I set a reserve?
Yes! Although a home that is sold absolute to the highest bidder, is a great marketing strategy, a reserve may be placed on the home. The reserve is not disclosed to the public and the home will be fully marketed to obtain the highest price.
Do I have to sell my home if reserve is not met?
Absolutely not! The Property will be sold Subject to Seller’s Confirmation, only if high bid is less than the agreed upon reserve. This means that after the High Bid has been received and acknowledged by Auctioneer, Seller may determine, in Seller’s sole and absolute discretion, to (i) accept such bid or (ii) reject such bid.
Are homes sold at auction typically foreclosures?
Absolutely not! Homes sold at auction are typically good homes that need good owners. Sellers may opt to hold a real estate auction verse a typical listing so that they may sell the property faster with less selling costs. Some properties that we have sold in the past were from owners who are downsizing, settling an estate, selling investment homes, or just wanted to sell quickly.
Are homes sold at auction in need of repair?
Absolutely not! Some may be quite dated or have out dated kitchens, baths, including old wallpaper, decorations, carpet, paint, etc. Some may have minor damage that has gone unaddressed for a long time.
We will decline the following items:
- Particle board furniture (such as kit form computer desks and work stations)
- Box springs, mattresses and used bed linens
- Smelly or overly stained rugs or upolstered furniture (pet urine, mold, food etc.)
- Used clothing with the exception of vintage and period designer label items
- Mismatched kitchen glasses, cups, battered pots and pans, Tupperware (these are yard sale items that should be donated)
- Fluffy toys / stuffed toys
- VCR’s and VCR tapes
- Smelly appliances, electronics and power tools that are not in working condition
- Pornographic magazines and DVD’s (Playboy collections are ok)
- Any item that we think is either yard sale quality or should be donated
You will fill out a simple consignment contract which details the auction process and procedure, allocated a consignor number to be used for your first and all subsequent consignments, and be provided with a detailed inventory listing of the items consigned to auction.
We sell all manner of personal property, antiques, collectibles, jewelry, furniture and decorative accessories, ceramics and glass, rugs and artworks, tools and appliances, books and ephemera, stamps, coins and currency, sports equipment, office furniture anything of value. There are however some items that we will not accept for auction, and your consignment will be screened before acceptance.
Often when selling a home that was owned by parents or an older relative, or a house that has been occupied for decades, there is extra work involved in prepping for sale. This can be one of the most challenging and expensive parts of selling a deceased parents home when you hire a real estate agent.
The house may be quite dated, out dated kitchens, baths, including old wallpaper, decorations, carpet, paint, etc. It may also have damage that has gone unaddressed for a long time.
When selling at auction, we take the stress and the pressure off of you.
The seller and auction firm mutually agree that the real estate will not sell unless or until an undisclosed reserve price is met or realized. Quite simply, if the auction price does not meet or exceed the reserve price, the property does not sell without you, the sellers permission.
The Property will be sold Subject to Seller’s Confirmation, only if high bid is less than the agreed upon reserve. This means that after the High Bid has been received and acknowledged by Auctioneer, Seller may determine, in Seller’s sole and absolute discretion, to (i) accept such bid or (ii) reject such bid.
You pay 0% commission to sell your real estate. We offer a free in home consultation to discuss the evaluation and pre-sale management of your real estate. There will be a one time nominal marketing fee to list your real estate on MLS and other real estate sites as well as target marketing toward qualified buyers.
We also work with several Real Estate Agents / Firms to help sell your real estate and we pay them their commission, not you!
We are committed to providing targeted and aggressive advertising and marketing campaigns when listing properties. We give you the best of both worlds by listing your real estate at auction and by traditional listings.
Auction properties STAND OUT in the marketplace.
Auction marketing frequently forces a sale prior to the auction.
The property gets sold on your timetable
The property is sold as is, without warranty or contingencies.
The seller is able to sell the property at market value as determined through the public auction process with many potential buyers at one time, not by private negotiation with a single interested party. All offers are received at the same time.
Your property is extensively marketed
Sellers choose when their home will sell.
Real Estate
Client Registration and Opening Bid Agreement
Real Estate
Real Estate Services:
Dixon's Real Estate division is a full service Real Estate Company.
- Real estate is marketed to obtain the highest value.
- An individual analysis is conducted to determine if a private listing or a real estate auction will be the most beneficial for the seller.
- A comparative market analysis is conducted to establish the value in a targeted area.
- A seller may also want to provide a home owner's warranty to better market their home.
Dixon's Real Estate division has real estate brokers who will obtain all state-required disclosures, placement of signage and advertising, order preliminary title search to assure clean transfer of title, conduct showings and open houses, execute purchase agreement and other required documents, coordinate and assist with closing procedures.
Real Estate Auctions:
A real estate auction is an open forum, which allows for oral bidding. After the bidding is exhausted, the property may be declared sold. The buyer and the seller will complete a purchase agreement and follow the necessary steps to closing. The property is sold as-is.
Reserve Auction: Property sells with the owner's confirmation. The minimum or reserve amount is not disclosed to the public. When the bidding is exhausted, the auctioneer will take a short recess to discuss confirmation with the seller.
Absolute Auction: Property is sold to the highest bidder, regardless of price. This is an excellent marketing tool in selling property.
There are many advantages to selling your home by auction:
- Eliminates long term expenses, such as taxes, maintenance, and insurance.
- The competition of live bidding will realize the property's true market value.
- Asking price is eliminated to avoid overpricing property. Overpricing may create little or no interest in the property and will eventually sell for less than the property is worth.
- Fast sale of property versus months or years of waiting to sell through traditional listing.
- Auction forum creates motivated buyers to act quickly, creating a sense of urgency.
- Cash transactions may close within one week after auction.
- Marketing is targeted to seller's property, not multiple listings.
- Property sells AS-IS, therefore, no negotiations on repairs or inspections.
- Conditions of sale are given prior to the auction allowing no negotiation on terms or no contingencies from potential buyers during auction.
- Buyer's premium helps offset seller's cost of selling home.
Broker Participation: Dixon's Real Estate division encourages all real estate agents to participate in the auction process. We offer compensation to agents who represent a buyer in the transaction. Dixon's Real Estate division also co-ops with other agents from different offices to assist with their real estate auction needs.
Real Estate FAQs
When I sell my house at auction, may I set a reserve?
Yes! Although a home that is sold absolute, or to the highest bidder, is a great marketing strategy, a reserve may be placed on the home. The reserve is not disclosed to the public and the home will be fully marketed to obtain the highest price.
Are homes sold at auction typically foreclosures or in need of repair?
Absolutely not! Homes sold at auction are typically good homes that need good owners. Sellers may opt to hold a real estate auction verse a typical listing so that they may sell the property faster with less selling costs. The properties sold in the past were from owners who are downsizing, settling an estate, selling investment homes, or just want to sell quickly.
Dixon’s Auctions is a FULL Service Auction House offering a wide range of service for all your auction, estate, real estate and appraisal needs.
Appraisal Services:
Call Ed today at 804-598-5099 to find out about our appraisal services!
Mortgage Lenders:
Thinking about bidding on some of our Real Estate?
Do you need a Mortgage, but do not know who to call?
We work with some of the best mortgage lenders in Richmond. If you need help getting your Mortgage, let us know and we’ll refer you so you can obtain the Home of Your Dreams!!
Benefit Auctions:
Dixon’s Auctions also offers a wonderful service to non-profit organizations who would like to hold benefit auctions.
We have a special staff of auction experts that can:
- Provide you with an auctioneer who will engage your guests and encourage them to be generous.
- Meet with your auction committee throughout the planning process.
- Give you helpful tips that can add as much as 25% to your auction receipts.
- Train and monitor your auction volunteers the night of the event.
- Help you run your auction, including:
- registration
- data entry
- cashiering
- recording, etc.
Not only increase profitability, but also keep you and your committee from reinventing the wheel every year.
See how Dixon’s Auctions can help you have a winning benefit event, with less stress and better results than you even imagined. For more information, contact us and we’ll be happy to get you started on the path to success!
We have conducted several Benefit Auctions successfully. Below is a list of some of our past satisfied customers:
- Virginia Food Service
- Virginia Society of Association Executives
- Hospice of Colonial Heights
- Ducks Unlimited
- Bon Air Rotary Club
- Midlothian Rotary Club
- South Richmond Rotary
- J.R. Tucker High School
- St. Judes
Internet Online Bidding:
On occasion Dixon’s will offer items such as Autos, Real Estate, Land, Timeshare, etc that potential bidders can either email or fax their sealed bids. Dixon’s will offer these items for a specific period of time, which will be noted on each item. You can click on each item to view the details of the item and each item will have a link to our online bid form which you can either fill out and submit online or print and fax to us.
Our Team
Can we help you find something?
Dixon's Online Auctions
Office: (804) 598-5099
Company Text (804) 336-3685
Business Hours
Tuesday-Friday 10:00am - 5:00pm
Saturday By Appointment Only
187 Wadsworth Dr.
Richmond, Va. 23236
- Mar 14 @ 1:00pm EDT
- Add to Calendar